Scientific problems of transportation in Siberia and the Far East
- The founder of the journal Siberian State University of Water Transport;
- The magazine is published in Russian in 2002;
- Frequency - 4 issues per year.
Science magazine with the headings
- Handling and transport economics;
- Infrastructure of transport routes;
- Management and maintenance of means of transport;
- Heat power industry;
- Electric power industry;
- Ecology;
- Transport Education.
Editorial team
- Anatoly Bernatsky - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of quality, standardization and certification, Novosibirsk State Architectural University (SIBSTRIN);
- Vladimir Botvinkov - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Waterways and hydraulic structures, Siberian State University of Water Transport;
- Victor Buneev - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of the fleet work, Siberian State University of Water Transport;
- Agzam Musin - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Department of Electrification of production and life, Altai State Technical University named after Polzunova;
- Yury Borovikov - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Department of Electric Power Systems, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
- Vasily Salnikov - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Department of Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Engineering, Siberian State University of Water Transport;
- Victor Sichkarev - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Department of Navigation, Siberian State University of Water Transport.
The editorial staff
- Editor in Chief – Venedikt Zachesov, Dr. Sc. Sciences, Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor. tel. (383) 224-63-36;
- Deputy chief editor - Yuri Bik, Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor. tel. (383) 222-19-48;
- Deputy chief editor - Aleksandr Baranovsky, Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor. tel. (383) 221-34-87;
- Deputy chief editor - Valery Gorelov, Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor. tel. (383) 222-62-35;
- Responsible secretary - Valery Konovalov, PhD. tehn. Sciences, Associate Professor, tel. (383) 222-49-83, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript., 630099, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Schetinkina, 33.
Interregional editorial board
- Vladimir Malov - Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Analysis and Forecasting of development of problem regions of Siberia, the department of territorial systems, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS (Novosibirsk);
- Vasily Cheremisin - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Omsk State Transport University (Omsk);
- Anatoly Hudonogov - Dr. Sc. Sciences, Professor, Department of electric rolling stock, Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering (Irkutsk);
- Gennady Kecha - Dr. Sc. Sciences, professor, head of marine engines, internal combustion, Maritime State University named after Admiral Nevelsky (Vladivostok).
The procedure for reviewing materials
The procedure for receiving materials